Discovering who owns John Deere tractors, harvesters, and implements. What farm they are at. How old they are. And how long they are “subscribed” for.
Sick Codes: ||
Kevin Kenney: ||
Willie Cade:
Advisories: (site-specific, no CVE) (site-specific, no CVE)
A few months ago, I got the idea from a colleague to start looking for vulnerabilities in John Deere products.
He told me that John Deere devices are able to send and receive files to “devices” out in the field via the website.
And what I mean by “devices” is actually million dollar machinery that automates farming through GPS auto-steer and things like that.
As a security researcher, this seemed like an awesome attack vector to start looking at, with the intention of obviously reporting the vulnerabilities to John Deere, if I found any.
So I signed up with a free developer account, as most good and bad hackers would do.
At that time I did not know the difference between a combine harvester and a tractor. They were all tractors to me.
Limitless Username Look-ups
I left the account for a few weeks, to do some other paid work, and when I came back to try find a vulnerability or two, I had forgotten whether or not I created an account.
As I started typing, the API was making username look-ups every time I typed a letter on the signup page.
Seemed out of the ordinary that a username lookup would check every time you enter a letter!
Usually when things are out of the ordinary, that means I’m getting warmer.
I copied the request as a cURL and began removing the cookies one by one until the request failed.

To my surprise, the API worked without any cookies!
curl '' \
--data-raw 'userName=testing1' \
-H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
-H 'Pragma: no-cache' \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' \
-H 'DNT: 1' \
-H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
-H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \
-H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-H 'Origin:' \
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' \
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' \
-H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' \
-H 'Referer:' \
-H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9' \
This indicated to me that I could potentially submit any number of usernames.
Moreover, uppercase and lowercase were treated as the same, so for a neat Proof of Concept I submitted the Fortune 1000 companies.
I looked on GitHub for something like a big CSV or TSV of the Fortune 500.
Then found this which worked perfectly:
Specifically, this file:
A list of big companies that would be likely to have John Deere accounts.
And here is the Proof of Concept.
# download an arbitrary list, for example, Fortune 1000
while IFS=, read -r COMPANY JUNK; do
TRIMMED_COMPANY="$(tr -dc "[:alnum:]" <<< "${COMPANY}")"
RESPONSE="$(curl '' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0' -H 'Accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H 'Origin:' -H 'DNT: 1' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Sec-GPC: 1' -H 'Pragma: no-cache' -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' --data-raw "userName=${USERNAME}")"
echo "${USERNAME}"$'\t'"${RESPONSE}" >> results.tsv
done < Fortune1000.csv
I submitted the 1000 queries in just over a minute or two, and then checked the results.
192 out of 1000 of the companies returned “This username is already taken” response.
This surprised me.
- I was able to submit 1000 username look-ups completely unauthenticated.
- Almost 20% of the companies had accounts!
The first issue was discovered within just a few minutes of me returning back to security research on the JD portal.
I immediately prepared a report to submitted to the specified email in their terms of service.

The report was submitted on 2021-03-25 and I requested a CVE at the same time.
Probably shouldn’t have submitted the CVE as it was subsequently rejected since the website didn’t have any version numbers or anything and it’s a site-specific vulnerability. Before I submit a CVE, I usually look for similar CVE’s in different products, just to be sure it would fit the bill.
Secondly, I submittted a request on their disclosure form.
Since I was using a developer account, I followed the rules at the very bottom of their Terms and Conditions:
Funnily as I write this today, that terms page is now gone.
I archived a cache here for transparency. These are the terms I was acting under:
Also here they are verbatim, given there was no Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP):
Exhibit A
API Security Standards
Licensee will comply with the following API security standards ("Security Standards"):
1. Security Precautions: Best Practices. Licensee agrees to adhere at all times to the security practices described in the security publications promulgated by The United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team ("US-CERT"). As of the date of this Agreement, such publications may be found at
2. Security Audits
2.1. Audit after a Security Breach Incident. For purposes of these Security Standards, a "Security Breach" is defined as a breach of security of Licensee's Application, facility, systems or site where Deere Content has been accessed or acquired by an unauthorized person. In the event of a Security Breach, Deere may suspend or terminate Licensee's access to the Deere API and/or Licensed Materials and Deere Content and Deere may conduct a security audit.
2.2. Audit Results. Deere will provide Licensee with the results of any security audit performed by Deere pursuant to these Security Standards.
3. Security Incidents and Response
3.1. Notification and Timing. Notwithstanding any other legal obligations Licensee may have, Licensee agrees to immediately notify Deere in writing upon Licensee's discovery of a Security Breach or of any transmission defined in Section 4.1.(f) of the Agreement. Licensee agrees to notify Deere of Licensee's detection of a Security Breach or of any transmission defined in Section 4.1.(f) of the Agreement no more than twenty-four (24) hours after its detection.
3.2. Notification Format . Licensee's notification of a Security Breach in accordance with the requirements set forth above will take the form of an email to apisupport at Such notification email will include: a problem statement, expected resolution time (if known), and the name and phone number of Licensee's representative that Deere can contact to obtain incident updates.
While looking around though, I ended up finding this on Google:
Given the URL was corporate/it-security-consulting
it didn’t really stand out at first as the right form.
So I submitted the request to Global Security Request in markdown format as I couldn’t upload any files.
And I also emailed a copy report to apisupport@, which didn’t exactly look like a security orientated email address.
I’m not the judge or jury, but I did exactly what I was told to do.
Dead Ends
About 4 days later, I thought I might chase up the report, just in-case neither the email or the form was received.
Seeing they had an active Twitter account, I decided to privately DM them on Twitter.
This was their response:
Hey there! Can you share the report with us at SocialMedia at and we'll ensure it's shared with our internal teams? Thanks,
Usually sending vulnerabilities to the Social Media team is not ideal, but again, I am giving them the benefit of the doubt, so I politely asked for the Security Team’s contact details.
Do you have a more secure destination? It’s not appropriate to send security vulnerabilities to a group email
The Twitter account told me to check my email. And the email said to submit the research via their HackerOne.
This is where things get awkward.
They didn’t have HackerOne, it was Disclosure Assistance page, so I CC’ed in HackerOne who confirmed they did not have a program at the time.
They did not have a private or public program.
The next day, April 1st, the Engineering Manager – Cyber Security Operations replied to my earlier form request and asked that I send the report again. I obliged.
Digging Deeper
John Deere has a massive software component. And I had only scratched the login page!
The actual software portal is massive. Lots of agriculture software integrations. But I needed to know what I was looking at. I wanted to see how they interact with the actual tractors, and other “implements”.
At this stage, I needed to find someone who knew a lot about tractors. This would help me skip the learning curve because I literally knew nothing.
That’s when I found this article:
I reached out to the Author, Willie Cade.
This video started to make sense:
Secondly, I wanted to find this mysterious “Ukrainian Software” that apparently farmers have been running.
He suggested I get in contact with one of the guys in the Vice video about hacking tractors.

That’s when I met Kevin Kenney, an engineer. Here’s Kevin on video: He blew my mind about how computerized these tractors, combines and harvesters really were.
Since you could upload files to and from the vehicles, I started playing with generic stored XSS attempting to get the page to load the XSS.
The system comes preloaded with sample data. So I downloaded sample ZIP, modified it, and re-uploaded it to the portal.
This was not successful. I usually don’t look for XSS, but I’m sure someone else could get it to work.
These files can also be sent over the air to the actual tractor.

I don’t have a tractor, so I asked Willie and Kevin if they could get me access to one to poke around at.
This led me to the John Deere Operations Center.
I submitted the first VIN number to the API that I could think of:

The response was a JSON of 5,800 character in length.
This is apparently a potato planter implement.
And it’s not even a John Deere piece of equipment. It’s made by
Why would a VIN lookup return other brands?
Because the Operation Center seemed to be a SAAS more than just a John Deere IFTTT thing.
It returned a lot of info about my own developer account, but a bit too much about the hardware/implement itself.
"isSupplier": false,
"sharedOrg": null,
"type": "CUSTOMER",
"userId": "sickcodes",
"isDealer": false,
"actingOrgType": "CUSTOMER",
"isCustomer": true,
"appBar": true,
I submitted a few more VINs.
This was yet another company called Terex which makes construction equipment.
I needed a John Deere VIN.
It didn’t take long to find a JD VIN online.
I found an 8235R tractor and submitted the model number as the VIN:
At the time of research, I showed me it was made by John Deere. Now it doesn’t show John Deere.
This is because the vulnerability I am about to disclose seems to have locked it down quite a lot.
As of time of writing, only non-John Deere VIN information appears.
New Harvester, Who Dis?
As there was almost no PII in the early tests (this changes dramatically! requests, I began brainstorming with Willie & Kevin.
We ended up finding another place to add equipment.
They are submitted on
The page looks very similar to the other equipment page.
I looked up an old tractor.
The response was different to the other request, which was intriguing.
And then it struck me.
I was looking up ancient tractors. I was submitting almost 30 year old equipment to the API.
Which models would have lots of electronics and telemetry?
I needed to be looking up the newest models…
The model I ended up investigating was the S770 Combine 2020 model Combine Harvester.
Willie & Kevin said these probably retail for over $1,000,000.
I couldn’t find any on eBay so I went to the first Tractor auction site that I could find and picked up a bunch of VIN numbers for that exact model and submitted requests…
This time the response was smaller, however I could see:
jq '.. | keys?'
These also all expanded. You can see a fully redacted example in the advisory for that vulnerability.
So at this stage, I was quite surprised. I could see who owned the equipment, what address it was entered into the Operations Manager as, the name of the tractor that the owner had used, when the subscription started, and when it finished.
However, one of the other researchers mentioned this might be only the dealer’s information.
So I tested more, to validate my results.
I Googled one of the results, and yes, it was a real farm. Not a dealership.
At this stage, I knew what needed to be done. I immediately reported the issue to JD.
Here is the email to John Deere:
Your email filter is preventing me from sending more reports, attached is the report only, please fix your email attachment filter so I can return the PII as discussed below
Attached is an extremely serious vulnerability report discovered in the last <24 hours by myself and another researcher. Please handle with absolute care as this vulnerability allowed me to see the owner of any VIN number on the Terminal section of the Operations Manager.
I have attached a copy of ZIP of all of the data that I obtained while conducting good-faith ethical research, including the combine VINs I downloaded off the public website TractorHouse.
This is not a breach, it is research.
My account is a developer account and account username is sickcodes. All of the IP addresses during good faith research used will be in my account login history, or they should be around [REDACTED].[REDACTED].[REDACTED].* and the ISP is [REDACTED].
I am following all the required guidelines of US-CERT, your developer agreement, and Computer Crime & Intellectual Property Section of the Cybersecurity Unit PDF which I also attached:
(2) Directing that sensitive information be viewed only to the extent required to identify a vulnerability and that it not be retained; or
Myself and two other individuals who validated the research with me have viewed this data. One other independent researcher has validated this vulnerability. 3 people have seen the attached PDF.
Again, I would not consider this a breach. This is genuine validated security research that I am conducting in Good Faith. Once you have confirmed receipt of the report, all copies of the sensitive information obtained will be immediately deleted off my disk and redacted from SICK-2021-031.pdf.
For both of our sake, can you please get a Vulnerability Disclosure terms posted on the website:
I have not yet requested a CVE, but I believe the best course of action would be highly responsible and co-ordinated public disclosure.
Here are my previous CVE's for example:
Once again, stating that I am a strictly ethical hacker conducting independent security researcher. I have absolutely no intentions other than conducting safe independent security research.
I am adhering strictly to the developer agreement below guidelines of my developer account at
As requested in your Exhibit A:
- Research was conducted less than 24 hours ago.
- Problem statement is attached in PDF
- Expected resolution time: your team could fix the permissions of the terminal "Add Equipment" API in a matter of minutes
- Sick Codes is my name
- I do not retain a permanent phone number however yesterday I left a message on your phone and for privacy reasons that is the extent that I will provide my number. I additionally sent you an earlier email with a contact number in a previous email, and I sent you a message on Signal App.
As per the agreement, I have CC'ed [REDACTED]
Since that email John Deere have deleted the terms of service:
As I mentioned earlier, I archived it for transparency:
I had earlier told them I didn’t want a bounty.
Because in the CERT CISA link from those terms, there is a fine line between a breach and research, I suggested they get a VDP urgently.
Additionally I sent the following recommended solutions:
### Disclosure types
- Coordinated Disclosure: A researcher can share details of the vulnerability after a fix has been applied and the program owner has provided permission to disclose or after a clearly-stated time has passed from submission, whichever is sooner;
- Discretionary Disclosure: The researcher or the program owner can request mutual permission to share details of the vulnerability after approval is explicitly received; or
- Non-Disclosure: Researchers are required to keep vulnerability details and the existence of the program itself confidential, regardless of the fix or any conversations between them and the vendor. Note that non-disclosure is considered inappropriate and generally ineffective as a disclosure type for VDPs.
The next day I forwarded everything to (April 15th).
This is a serious issue and could jeopardize the US food security supply chain.
April 16th the vulnerability was fixed (no confirmation from John Deere)
I sent them to following email:
I have validated SICK-2021-031 has been fixed. All new PII has been deleted again.
I'll also validate that SICK-2021-012 has not yet been fixed.
May I recommend the following fix:
Also regarding disclosure, I would like to do coordinated responsible public disclosure.
Please see this as an example:
Please see attached the drafts for both reports. If you would like me to add or remove anything from the reports, please advise what you'd like me to add or remove.
In good faith,
The Security Research Team @SickCodes
I told John Deere I would like to do a coordinated public disclosure.
Few days later I sent them this
Hopefully we can do a joint release, where I outline what I found, and how JD fixed it, and we can all pat each others' backs. I absolutely commend the engineering team for fixing SICK-2021-031 in under 72 hours.
I sent them this on the 19th:
Hi JD,
Any updates? In my opinion, communications from [ENGINEER] seemed to have ceased, which is not really ideal.
Since SICK-2021-031 is fixed, I would like to politely remind that you I am asking for the opportunity to work with JD on a positive, public, and responsible disclosure of the vulnerability.
I am probably not going to request a CVE ID for this vulnerability as there are no version numbers on the Terminal manager, but here are some notes regarding previous experiences not unlike this vulnerability lifecycle:
In Security Research, the same applies to sports: "a quick game is a good game." I will be writing about my research as it's my job, and it will go here as per usual:
Here is a small vulnerability I published in Brave Browser that from discovery to disclosure took a whopping 24 hours. Brave was commended for their responsiveness by peers in the same "industry" as me, and subsequently the general public:
Here is one vulnerability that I published that ended in absolute chaos and speculation, due to sheer lack of communication:
TCL learned from their mistake and ended up building, which is one of the best in-house security bounty/VDP's I've ever seen. It would look very cool if JD whipped up a VDP before we publish. Bounty is not a necessity.
Hopefully we can do a joint release, where I outline what I found, and how JD fixed it, and we can all pat each others' backs. I absolutely commend the engineering team for fixing SICK-2021-031 in under 72 hours.
I repeat, I want to do a joint disclosure of the vulnerabilities because it looks fantastic when big companies engage small researchers who find big bugs. If doing a joint release, for some reason, isn't in your interests, I'll be publishing the research regardless.
For Companies
Find examples below of what not to do.
Embrace security researchers. Learn from the documented examples in this archive. Researcher's who have been threatened by naive entities while legitimately working to improve the security of a product should be a source of collaboration; they may know more about your systems than you do. Put researchers who voluntarily submit bugs & vulnerabilities in touch with your internal security teams, work together to fix vulnerabilities, and coordinate the disclosure to your customers and the public.
An excellent coordinated disclosure generally boosts a company's public image & customer confidence. It encourages researchers to work with you, not against you.
A negative experience can exponentially generate negative publicity, sometimes even viral.
Providing researchers safe harbor for reporting a vulnerability to you is critical to working towards a more secure product and ecosystem.
Entities that engage researchers and respond quickly to security events are more likely to generate a positive experience.
Entities with no security response team, may be more likely to experience a negative disclosure event.
Here is a list of 2,000 companies that have their Vulnerability Disclosure Program (VDP) sorted out:
Here's some notes regarding disclosure methods, via
Their response:
Thank you for reporting this issue. We have a private VDP with [REDACTED], and you should be receiving an invite to the program in the next 24 hours.
Suddenly they had a private vulnerability disclosure program. It did not exist when we started.
24 hours later, I received the invitation to the program…
- I was the only researcher in the program
- The program was created that day
- Every single asset had no bounty
- The company does not allow public disclosure
That is by far, the strangest vulnerability disclosure program I’ve ever been invited to.
Since I had already told them I would be be ineligible to participate, I rejected the unsolicited invitation, left their program, and published my research. (site-specific, no CVE) (site-specific, no CVE)
Sick Codes: ||
Kevin Kenney: ||
Willie Cade:
I work here. I should’ve written a lot of this code, but alas, bureaucracy.
Anyways, I’m still writing performant secure code.
John Deere also makes heavy / construction equipment and forestry equipment. One supposes that much the same vulnerabilities exist in their other product lines.
It also would be worth looking at other heavy equipment manufacturers.
You’re right, JDLink can be used in all Construction & Forestry equipment, and also Hitachi ZX-Link. I’m going to submit a GPL source code & license request to Hitachi today.
I have worked in the Ag(riculture) space for five years as a dev. The mindset of ‘the food industry could be compromised’ is a bit over reaching. In working with these machines and the customers, I can tell you that if the gps/cpu on these farm machines fail, this will not stop the implement from running. The farmer will simply turn off the computer and drive the implement manually. That’s not to say the work done here is unimportant, just wanted to inject some context here. You done some good work, here is my pat on the back to you
Jesus christ stop using this black background and white text for writing giant paragraphs of text. Do you want your readers to go blind?
That first one doesn’t surprise me, the system that manages users is absolute garbage
Fascinating read. Makes a fella curious if Case IH, Agco, Ag Leader, FBN, etc are doing any better vis-a-vis vulnerabilities like this, or if the entire industry is lagging in good security practice. Thanks for the strong efforts here.
Thanks! Working on more fixes 😉
I work there and totally support your efforts and findings!
Well that was an amazing read.
Nice work. Clearly they believe they are a too big to fail monopoly.
Can you explain what you meant by “This is a serious issue and could jeopardize the US food security supply chain.” ?
I fail to see your reasoning behind this
This vulnerability allowed an attacker to acquire personal and precise information about operators and owners of agriculture equipment, enabling an orchestrated and directed attack that could severely cripple food production
Every farmer has equipment. This has the same risk of disrupting food production as a phone book does.
if you mean there would be targeted assassinations of US tractor owners – this does seem a stretch. Anyone with enough power to launch this sort of an attack (and there is maybe 2 countries on earth) – knows they’d be starting a hot war by doing so.
But how? Seems this is just a roundabout way of getting a directory of names of agriculture producers, which I’m sure could be found more easily by other means.
Hi, I’m a farmer and used to be a developer and IT manager.
“This is a serious issue and could jeopardize the US food security supply chain.”
Just imagine this: The JD vulnerabilities allow a hacker access to the tractor/harvester/implement (the target). The hacker uploads a firmware update that inserts an offset into the GPS locations used by the target. The target attempts to do its job, but at an offset of (say) 100 yards North of where it should be. The target navigates itself onto a highway, into a river, through a fence, over a cliff, or whatever. Target is destroyed, or badly damaged. Co-ordinate this across many, many targets on the same day and there just aren’t enough spare parts, or technicians to fix these problems in a reasonable time. Food production is severely curtailed.
Another version. The target is just sprayers (devices for spraying chemicals on crops). The sprayers are programmed by the hacker to unevenly spray the chemicals on the crops, applying ten times the chemical on certain parts of the field, and a tenth the dose on other parts. The usage rate of the chemical looks OK, but the crop would be silently destroyed, with the effects only being noticed several weeks or months after the damage done.
There are some of the ways the JD vulnerabilities could harm national food production.
Interesting finds. Makes you think. Who’s to say that some malicious state actor hasn’t already crawled their APIs to archive all that data?
Only John Deere has the answer to that
Somehow I doubt they properly logged all everything needed to answer this question
Somehow I doubt they properly logged all the malicious requests, chances are JD has no idea how to answer that
Somehow I doubt they properly logged all the malicious requests, chances are JD has no idea how to answer that
Nice-ish find. Thanks for disclosing responsibly. We need people like you to poke around the strange industries and corners of the internet. Thumbs up.
Thanks for the write-up, there are some interesting things here! It certainly seems like previously JD had been lacking in their preparedness for disclosure. I do feel however that you focused a little too much on the disclosure process rather than the actual research–while I applaud the efforts to try and encourage JD to start a VDP (based on your emails it looks like they are now trying to start one) I don’t think you really need to spend half of the write-up with email correspondences about non-technical details. Additionally, as you said they did seem to lock down the VIN endpoint and currently returns an actual document with (admittedly limited) information for researchers, so I thank you for helping them go down the right path.
Thanks for the feedback!
I am also excited to see them set up the VDP, but they need to get real and get serious. They run the entire USA food chain via GPS controlled implements. They operate the ag RTK radio network.
Unfortunately that security.txt isn’t really enough. There are no terms. They deleted the terms I was acting under…
Regarding the focus of the article, I like to publish about both the vulnerabilites but also the disclosure. This helps other researchers follow the same path or get ideas about disclosure. It only took a few hours to find the bugs, the advisories & reports but a month of shenanigans to disclose.
I’m still yet to hear from them that it’s fixed or not. Quite sad, really.
I doubt they will ever notify me that it has been fixed.
Asked JD about 10 times for “fully public & coordinated joint responsible disclosure,” gave them lots of links and platform ideas, yet they didn’t seem interested.
Since this work is done for FREE ($0), I haven’t got time to wait around for billion dollar companies to get organised. I always participate in responsible disclosure. Period. Both public and private. But in this case, I had had enough. Slow communication and the sheer audacity of inviting me to a non-disclose, non-bounty, private program (the world’s most absurd program), was honestly, insulting. Proof of Disconnect right there. Oh and deleting the terms I was acting under was the icing on the cake.
Deleting T&C’s for researchers is incredibly irresponsible. Dangerous. And it prevents good hackers from reporting bugs. They should probably have a few board meetings about it.
I published my research as soon as I was happy that the bugs were fixed, and minutes after inspecting the dismal program they created.
Whoever let that program go out in the state that it was in, needs to do an internal review.
Whoever at JD thought it was a good idea, to invite me to a ridiculous non-disclosure, non-bounty, program, when I had declined the offer of invitation, should find a new job, or get some experts in the field.
A lot of interesting opinions have passed through my head about this event over the last 24 hours.
They should probably consult some actual experts in the field of cyber security, instead of trying to work it out in-house.
If there was no vulnerability, then why did they fix it?
JD is also denying the vulnerabilities, discrediting my research. Unfortunately the research speaks for itself. They can deny it in-house, but deep-down they know what was leaked.
Thanks for this article and for your cogent response to the original … response. I humbly disagree with whomever wrote that; I think what you wrote was perfect and focusing on both sides of things (research + disclosure) formed a well-rounded story — one that’s frighteningly real. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! We have more to come 🙂