Disclaimer: this guide was written for research purposes only because the Author wanted an .onion version of a normal website....
Depending on your distro, you should have a keyboard shortcut program already installed. I wanted to be able to paste...
According to the Megatools official documentation page on github, you'll need the following tools for using Megatools on Fedora (and...
This script is from RedHat themselves: wget https://access.redhat.com/sites/default/files/rh-cve-2016-5195_1.sh Then run this command to check if your kernel is vulnberable: bash...
Unetbootin is FURIOUSLY difficult to install on Ubuntu, Debian and even Windows. I tried the ~5MB unetbootin-linux-xxx.bin file which FAILED....
This tutorial is people who will ADD an SSD to their system. This NOT for people who will REPLACE their...
I've moved VestaCP installations so fast that by the time a customer started the checkout page in Sydney, they submitted...
Navigate to your .ssh folder and create a file called config. Add this to the file: Host * ServerAliveInterval 15...
Since writing this tutorial, I now only recommend using the new MaxMind APIs which I've written a tutorial on here....
VestaCP is a free, open source, GPL v3 Licensed hosting control panel that is so innovative that it will change...
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