I have been fortunate enough to be giving a talk on Supply Chain security this year at Hardwear.io USA 2022, a conference in Santa Clara, California, dedicated to hardware hacking & techniques.
Event: Hardware.io USA 2022: 9-10th June 2022, 2151 Laurelwood Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States
Tickets & Registration is available here: https://hardwear.io/usa-2022/register.php
The event is also being sponsored by
Google, Microsoft, Technology Innovation Institute (TII), Winbond and more!
The presentation slides will be available after the event (not immediately after, because I’ll still be at the event) and you can contact me in any way you’d like, either at the event, before, or after!

Sick Codes
Supply Chain Level 0: Grinding Tractors to a Halt – Growing Pains in Agricultural Hardware Security
Talk Title:
Supply Chain Level 0: Grinding Tractors to a Halt – Growing Pains in Agricultural Hardware Security
I hacked all four John Deere Telematics Gateway’s, and the John Deere Gen4 Series Display. Without those, it’s “just a tractor.” However, this is Critical Infrastructure. In fact, without Tractors, Combines & Implements: farmers cannot plant, spray or harvest. No raw materials == no food & alcohol. You will see how long I persisted over multiple months, to gain access and was able to hack these devices to the absolute binary core, warts & all. What was the bounty? Source Code, Root File Systems, FPGA compiled binaries, the works. Agricultural Security is a serious issue. Multiple ransomware attacks last year showed exactly how destructive attacks on Food & Agriculture are, and how fragile the supply chain is.
Speaker Bio:
Sick Codes is an Australian hacker, who resides somewhere in Asia: I love 0days, emulation, open source, reverse engineering, standing up for other researchers & fast motorbikes. I have worked on many interesting projects over the last few years including hacking & emulating TV’s, cars, tractors, watches, ice cream machines, and more. My heart lies with Free Software but I like to go where no researcher has gone before. My works include Docker-OSX, which regularly trends on GitHub with 22k+ stars, 250k+ downloads. I’ve spoken 2x at DEF CON, published 20+ CVEs, competed in CTFs, and I’m here to stay.