Some javascript based websites were hogging my click actions and opening links that I wanted to open in new tabs in the same window/tab.
Since I prefer using the track-pad now, I wanted a fast solution to either middle mouse click on links to open in new windows or a way to rapidly right click, open in new tab.
An awesome solution I am currently using is as follows:
xdotool is a fake keyboard & mouse input program that you can emulate clicks via the terminal.
[cce_bash]sudo apt-get install xdotool[/cce_bash]
Open keyboard settings and find Application Shortcuts.
Add new shortcut with the following command:
[cce_bash]xdotool click 2[/cce_bash]
For the keys, I chose:
Left Crtl + Windows key (<Primary>Super_L)
Now, when I want to open links in a new tab, I simply move my mouse and hover over links and while holding left Ctrl, I tap the left Windows key.
It’s actually much faster than middle clicking and it allows me to rapidly tap the windows key while hovering over a page full of links.