Select a kernel release candidate from the drop down menu.
Head to
Click Tags
For example, 5.11-rc6

Faster build
Here you can make your make’s use much more CPU that just a single core. Thanks @iamazat for the tip:
sudo vi /etc/makepkg.conf
Edit the following line:
MAKEFLAGS=-j$(( $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)*2 )) make
Build and install linux-git from source
Use the version from earlier, e.g. 5.11-rc6
RC=5.11-rc6 RC="${RC//\-/}" cd ~ sudo pacman -Rns linux-git yay linux-git --getpkgbuild --force cd ~/linux-git # remove html docs sed -i -e 's/\"\$pkgbase-docs\"//' PKGBUILD sed -i -e 's/rm\ -r\ \"\$builddir\/Documentation\"//' PKGBUILD sed -i -e 's/make\ htmldocs//' PKGBUILD # sed -i -e 's/make\ /make\ -j'${N}'\ /g' PKGBUILD sed -i -e 's/^pkgver\=.*/pkgver\='${RC}'/' PKGBUILD sed -i -e 's/^pkgver\=.*/pkgver\='${RC}'/' PKGBUILD # MANUALLY EDIT OUT THE SKIP SHASUMS TO SKIP sed -i -e s/^sha256sums/old_sha256sums/g PKGBUILD perl -i -p -e s/old_sha256sums/sha256sums\=\(\'SKIP\'\ \'SKIP\'\)\\nold_sha256sums/g PKGBUILD # overwrite config with current system config zcat /proc/config.gz > config makepkg -si
Fix grub/rEFInd etc.
During boot, press TAB on your boot menu item. Simply add ‘-git’ to your boot options