Docker-eyeOS is an iOS Kernel Debugging platform based on the following projects by Aleph Security
Visit the Docker-eyeOS repo here
Run the iPhone’s xnu-qemu-arm64 (iOS) in a Docker container
Supports KVM + GDB kernel debugging! Run armv8-A in a Docker! Works on ANY device!
- qemu-system-aarch64 boot into iOS!
- Runs on ANY device
- FULL iOS armv8-A GDB Kernel debugging support (step thru & debug the iOS kernel on Linux!)
- X11 Forwarding (future Display)
- SSH on localhost:2222 or container.ip:2222
- GDB on localhost:1234 or container.ip:1234
- QEMU Full xnu-qemu-Virtualization
- Container host Arch
- Sick.Codes Team @sickcodes
- https://twitter.com/sickcodes
- https://sick.codes/
- https://github.com/sickcodes
Pull from the Docker Hub
mkdir -p images
cd images
wget https://images.sick.codes/hfs.sec.zst
wget https://images.sick.codes/hfs.main.zst
# decompress images, uses about 15GB
zstd -d hfs.main.zst
zstd -d hfs.sec.zst
docker pull sickcodes/docker-eyeos:latest
docker run -it --privileged \
--device /dev/kvm \
-e RAM=6 \
-e HFS_MAIN=./images/hfs.main \
-e HFS_SEC=./images/hfs.sec \
-p 2222:2222 \
-v "$PWD:/home/arch/docker-eyeos/images" \
-e "DISPLAY=${DISPLAY:-:0.0}" \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
ssh root@localhost -p 2222
# -----> Try to SSH about 4 times
# -----> also needs to HIT ENTER a few times in the terminal to kick it along
Supported by:
- Aleph Security @AlephSecurity
- Vera Mens @v3rochka GitHub && @v3rochka Twitter
- Jonathan Afek @jonyafek GitHub && @JonathanAfek Twitter
- Lev Aronsky @aronsky GitHub && @levaronsky Twitter
TCP Tunnel for Linux rework:
- MCApollo @MCApollo GitHub
Use the Docker-eyeOS image build script to create research block devices.