Literally one command: getenforce
Find yourself taking screenshots inside a selenium container? You can view those files in the terminal too (like ASCII art,...
To install wine and winetricks inside a docker, you need a fake X display server for winetricks to finish installing....
Want to have a virtual display running inside docker? You will need xvfb which is an 'X virtual frame-buffer' display...
You first need to install the epel-release package and then install nginx package: yum install epel-release -y yum install nginx...
First, you need the might EPEL Release repo: yum install epel-release yum install cockpit Then, you need to enable Cockpit...
Linux users on Arch or Manjaro attempting to install macOS/OSX in VMWARE, or QEMU/KVM, will greatly benefit from this tutorial....
How To Setup VNC, XRDP, XDoTool on Ubuntu (Azure, Gcloud) # updatesudo apt update -y# install xdotoolsudo apt install xdotool...
As CentOS is new, we need to add additional repos, namely epel-testing. First, install yum utils to get yum-config-manager yum...
Here is a one block automated install for Python3.8 on CentOS: yum install make gcc openssl-devel bzip2-devel libffi-devel -y cd...
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