This is the simplest way of installing Kubernetes on CentOS 8. Rancher is an awesome company that makes auto-installers among...
Recently, playing around with my network settings, I encountered a few issues, that I have documented below for you, and...
A start job is running for sys subsystem/net/devices/wlp2s0... 1 minute 30 seconds... I started seeing these boot errors after updating...
NFS allows you to share a directory with another server/client. It's awesome. This works great for VPC, or virtually connected...
The default glusterfs package in the Ubuntu repo is 3.5. This is a very old version of GlusterFS. If you...
On CentOS 8, glusterf, glusterfs-fuse, glusterfs-server all are part of the epel-testing repo. # centos 8 yum install centos-release-gluster -y...
Vultr uses ens7 as the private network interface name. Your instances must be in the same location. How to add...
The following is a trick I use to dynamically generate form fields before you know the form column names. dynamically...
How to run Pipenv in a Docker Container, or using Crontab When you run pipenv shell, you will notice a...
If you've been using Django, you know that the migrate function creates a locally stored sqlite database. But what if...
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